Rust: An overview on developers favourite language

Prabhat Tripathi
4 min readJan 31, 2023


RUST is a relatively new programming language that has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its strong emphasis on safety and reliability. Developed by Mozilla, RUST is designed to be a systems programming language that is suitable for use in a wide range of applications, including operating systems, embedded systems, and high-performance servers.

One of the key features of RUST is its ownership model, which is designed to prevent common programming errors such as null or dangling pointer references. In RUST, every value has a unique owner, and the ownership of a value can be transferred from one variable to another. This helps to ensure that values are not used after they have been freed, and also prevents data races and other concurrency issues.

The ownership model in RUST is based on the idea of “borrowing”. A variable can either own a value or borrow a value from another variable. When a variable owns a value, it is responsible for freeing the memory when it is no longer needed. When a variable borrows a value, it can use the value, but it is not responsible for freeing the memory. This helps to prevent common programming errors such as double free or use-after-free, which can lead to memory corruption and other security vulnerabilities.

Another important feature of RUST is its strong type system, which helps to ensure that the code is safe and reliable. RUST uses a combination of static and dynamic typing, with the type of a variable being determined at compile-time rather than runtime. This helps to catch many common programming errors, such as passing the wrong type of value to a function, before the program is even executed.

RUST also has a robust standard library, which provides a wide range of useful functions and data structures. This includes a collection of standard data types, such as strings, vectors, and hash maps, as well as a number of useful utility functions, such as those for working with file systems and networking.

One of the biggest advantages of RUST is its focus on performance. RUST code is designed to be highly efficient and perform well even in resource-constrained environments. This is achieved through a number of features, such as the ability to control memory layout and the use of inline assembly. Additionally, RUST has a low runtime overhead, which means that programs written in RUST can often be faster than those written in other languages.

Despite its relatively short history, RUST has already attracted a large and active community of developers. The language is open source and has a growing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Additionally, RUST has been adopted by major companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

One of the most notable examples of RUST being used in the industry is in the development of Firefox. Firefox is one of the most popular web browsers in the world, and it is built on top of a custom version of RUST called Servo. Servo is a parallel web browser engine that is designed to be fast, safe, and secure. The use of RUST in the development of Firefox has helped to improve the performance and stability of the browser, and it has also helped to make the browser more secure.

Another example of RUST being used in the industry is in the development of the popular cloud storage service Dropbox. Dropbox has been using RUST for several years now, and it has been instrumental in improving the performance and reliability of the service. Dropbox has also used RUST to build several internal tools, such as a distributed file system and a data pipeline.

RUST has also been used in the development of several other popular projects such as PostgreSQL, the open-source relational database management system; OpenSSL, the open-source implementation of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols; and Redox, a Unix-like operating system written in RUST. The use of RUST in these projects has helped to improve the performance, security and stability of these systems.

RUST is also gaining traction in the embedded systems industry. RUST’s ownership model, strong type system, and low runtime overhead make it an attractive choice for embedded systems development. RUST’s standard library also includes a number of features that are useful for embedded systems development such as low-level memory manipulation and real-time scheduling support.

In the field of IoT, RUST’s low-level control and strong type system make it a great fit for IoT development. RUST also provides a lightweight runtime, which is important for embedded systems and IoT devices, and its standard library has a number of features that are useful for IoT development such as support for networking protocols and low-level hardware control.

In recent years, RUST has also been used in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. RUST’s ownership model and strong type system make it a great fit for developing safe and reliable machine learning systems. Additionally, RUST’s performance and low runtime overhead make it suitable for running machine learning models on resource-constrained devices.

In conclusion, RUST is a modern systems programming language that is designed to be safe, reliable, and performant. Its unique ownership model and strong type system help to ensure that code is safe and free of common errors, while its robust standard library and growing ecosystem make it a powerful choice for a wide range of applications. The use of RUST in the development of popular projects such as Firefox and Dropbox, and its increasing adoption in the embedded systems, IoT and machine learning industries, demonstrate the versatility and potential of RUST as a programming language. As RUST continues to evolve and grow, it is likely to become an increasingly important tool for developers in a wide range of industries.

